Sunday 25 September 2016

Thingiverse Objects Mashed and Remixed

Remix culture is important and valuable to our society. When something is remixed or mashed up with something else, entirely new creations and ideas come about. Remixing helps new creative ideas come to realization faster when you have something to build off of.  A great example of remix culture being successful is in the gaming community with modding. New really cool mechanics and concepts emerge when game developers let their audience modify their games. This can lead to a game becoming better or a whole new and different game being made and available to people. Remix culture should always be embraced by creators of all kinds, this will lead to new designs and ideas in the future.

Took the buffalo horn and changed it into something less menacing... a banana.

I thought the shape of a gazebo and a rocket would fit nicely together.

Took the idea of a skeleton key and combined a key and a portion of a jaw from a skull.

A top hat wine glass combined because of the cup like form of the hat.

Dolphin combined with an airplane because of the streamline nature of both of their forms.

The pointy end of a pylon combined with the shaft of a pencil because none of the pencil models were sharpened.

An owl with gear parts; made because I heard an owl a few days ago and the gears make it look steampunk.

Car with spaceship parts and rocket engine on the back to make it look fast.

I thought the shape of the genie lamp looked bird-like so I added a bird head and feet.

Not quite sure why I added the fan on the end of this spanner/wrench, I think it fit well and makes it more dynamic.

Thursday 15 September 2016

The Creation of a Tinkercad Chair

What inspired me to create a chair was the segment in Objectified with the two designer brothers Ronan Bouroullec and Erwan Bouroullec. This part of the movie really connected with me because I have a younger brother who is creative like me, similar to the movie. Both Bouroullec brothers have different personalities yet they still can work and design together and worked on creating many objects including chairs. It made me wonder if my brother and I could work together creatively in the future and possibly be design partners like the brothers in the documentary.

What inspired me for the design of this chair was a certain IKEA chair I own. The top headrest cushion of the chair is half a cylinder, this is what I decided to base my whole chair off of. I decided to extend this design down the backrest of the chair and the arms to give the office chair a cushiony yet supportive structure.